Who Am I:

Great question! I'm actually still figuring that out for myself. However, I can tell you what I think I am.

My name is Alexa and I'm a 20 year old living in California. I'm a full Korean-American and, while I do plan on moving and perhaps living outside of where I am, I really love the place I live. I don't think I'll find anywhere else short of South Korea with this much of my culture, even though I make jabs at it all the time. I love being able to find my favorite Korean foods right around the corner and being able to go to a Korean market whenever I want.

Currently I'm a full time student at a community college and I'm working to transfer to USC for my Theatre degree. I'm planning on being an actor for the stage, and while I'm not dead set on getting to Broadway, I would love to be able to make a career out of something that I love.

I run a book blog, Words Off the Page, most of the time if I'm not on this one. I've got some great plans for it and I want to grow my blog even more this year!

This blog is kind of like my Journal. I want to grow with this blog as I do as a human being and I want something to look back on.

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